
Heyhey i'm thistle

nekojiru gaming

I'm the webmaster of this site
I post stuff I find cool / interesting on here and occasional blog posts.
The design might change frequently, and it's still in development
If you see any problems with the site on your end DM me on my twitter


8/2/22 - added blog, added more buttons and cleaned some stuff

I think it looks a bit nicer now. Although I still think it's very empty. Gonna try and change more stuff, see how that works. Also a bit unsure about how to structure the site and the kind of 'aesthetic' i'm going for, y'know?

3/2/22 - it kinda looks okay now

I really have to change it to at least look more unique, but for now it's at least looking alright. Spending all night on it was kinda ( not really ) worth it.
Gonna change the win95 windows most likely.
